
Science Communication

I am in conversation with Christina Cho (@ChochrPhD) to understand what science communication means to researchers and how researchers can increase their visibility in…
Why wait nervously to see how the post-COVID-19 world unfolds? Empower yourself by acquiring the skills you always wanted to and take a step closer to success.
Your elevator pitch is all about promoting yourself in a few sentences. Just like a good movie trailer does, you must hook your listeners' attention so that they want to…
This paper is a collaborative effort with a fantastic team of researchers looking at a dual function methyltransferase which can modify two different types of…
In this post I will take you through a simple process to find and access online channels that you can use to build an audience to which you can promote your research. 
This post explains what lay summaries are, the purpose they serve, the stages in your career when you may need to write them, and how they can help make your research…
The only way to ensure that people understand science is to communicate it in a way that enables them to absorb it easily and comprehend how it impacts them.  A 1985…
In order to make science truly open, we need to move beyond providing free access to scientific output and think about making the non-scientific community understand…
The concept of open access is evolving and taking the form of “research communication.” Today, it is not enough to make research findings and data freely available after…
Gail Schofield is a marine ecologist with over two decades of research experience in coastal area management and conservation of endangered species. She has considerable…