
Responding to Peer Reviewers

The peer review process for journal publication is essentially a quality control mechanism. It is a process by which experts evaluate scholarly works, and its objective…
Peer review process and editorial decision making at journals
A cover letter for a revised manuscript should be sent to the editor along with the author’s responses to the reviewer comments. This letter is often called the response…
How to write a great rebuttal letter
As the volume of publishing is increasing, journal editors are finding it increasingly difficult to appoint reviewers as many refuse review requests. What are the…
Why peer reviewers refuse review requests
Addressing peer reviewer comments is a daunting task for even the most experienced authors. Sometimes peer reviewers write long-winded comments, which make it difficult…
Do's and don'ts for responding to peer reviewers' comments
Comments by peer reviewers and journal editors are meant to help authors improve their manuscript. Follow the three golden rules mentioned in this article when…
How to respond to comments by peer reviewers
Journal decision making is complex and involves multiple layers of screening. Peer review is an extremely crucial part of this process, one on which the journal's…
Answers to questions all researchers have about the journal decision-making process
Many early career researchers and students are often baffled about the role of peer review and what it entails. This article covers the basics of the peer review system…
What is peer review - The basics and guidelines for authors
How serious is an erratum, expression of concern, or a retraction? They should all be avoided as they do not reflect well on your research if it needs to be corrected or…
What authors need to know about errata, expressions of concern, and retractions
The ultimate objective of peer review is to ensure a high quality of published science and authors should view the process as an opportunity to improve the quality of…
What is peer review?
After months of working on your research paper, receiving a "revise and resubmit" decision from the journal can be very disheartening. The key is to remain calm and…