
Career Advancement

A postdoc position is often looked upon as a stepping stone to a tenure track faculty position. But a postdoc also involves a unique set of challenges which many PhD…
10 Survival strategies for the postdoc life
Have you often wondered how your research activities and achievements can be distinguished from those of other researchers with similar names? If your name appears as …
Why every researcher must register for a unique contributor id right now!
Having a good academic CV is the first and perhaps most crucial step towards getting started on your career path after your PhD. Most often, the CV is the door that…
How to create an academic CV
As researchers publish more papers, their credibility as authors builds up, and they start getting invitations from editors to review papers. However, authors receiving…
Accepting a peer review invitation: Tips for first-time peer reviewers
In the pursuit of success in academia, early career researchers look out for opportunities to showcase their skills. One way to do this is by peer reviewing. How can…
How to become a peer reviewer: Tips for early career researchers
A poster presentation is the perfect opportunity for you to highlight the importance of your research for people attending the conference. Posters are like billboards…
How to create the perfect poster
The number of publications to a researcher’s credit seems to matter more than the quality of the work done. How did the publishing industry get to this point? How can…
Navigating through the pressure to publish
The process for an academic interview is quite different from a regular interview. This post explains what an academic interview is like and provides some tips on how…
How to prepare for an academic interview
An in-depth look at the various personal attributes that make for successful researchers, including how renowned researchers down the years have personified these…
12 Personal attributes of a successful researcher
An inspiring post in which an early-career researcher narrates her personal story and takes us through the ups and downs of her on-going journey as a PhD student. She…