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The role and definition of authorship in scientific and medical publishing has become increasingly complicated in recent years. With a proliferation of…
Authorship: An evolving concept
The first and most important step in any research is to identify and delineate the research problem. However, many researchers find this task difficult. This article is…
The basics of writing a statement of the problem for your research proposal
With the global increase in specialized research disciplines and collaborative research, interdisciplinary studies or those with overlapping subject areas are becoming…
Identifying target journals for studies with overlapping subject areas: A case study
A postdoc position is often looked upon as a stepping stone to a tenure track faculty position. But a postdoc also involves a unique set of challenges which many PhD…
10 Survival strategies for the postdoc life
The title, abstract, and keywords are one of the most important elements to publication success. A negligent or sloppy attitude towards these three vital elements…
How to write an effective title and abstract and choose appropriate keywords
One of the most basic and important aspects of a research paper is the title. Writing the a research paper title may seem a simple task, but it requires some serious…
3 Basic tips on writing a good research paper title
It is rare for a single researcher to publish a paper all by herself or himself; most research papers have several or many authors, and the average number of authors for…
Using "et al." for in-text citations in research papers
The issue of predatory ‘patent trolls’ has been plaguing scientific innovation since decades. But what are patent trolls and how do they operate? Are universities trolls…
Patent trolls: What they are and how they affect innovation in science
Tables and figures are used in research papers to effectively present detailed results and complex relationships, reduce the length of the manuscript, and enhance…
Tips on effective use of tables and figures in research papers
While the findings of your study form the foreground of your research, it is equally important to establish the background of your study. This article covers the basics…