
Researcher Wellness

Society relies on researchers to be creative thinkers and problem-solvers, advancing the frontiers of human knowledge and finding answers to some of the most complex…
As life forced many of us to move from one type of daily normal to another, we have all been tasked with keeping the wheels of productivity turning. Many are desperately…
Research culture has often been described as inherently competitive, stressful, and hierarchical. Chasing research excellence has led long working hours and work…
One of the main concerns of female researchers who wish to begin their family is the uncertainty around continuing with their work. Let us take a closer look at the…
If you’ve not practiced self-care from an early age, you may find it difficult to practice. After all, it is more than just a checklist with boxes to be ticked off. Here…
Self-care is a rather broad concept and if you’ve never consciously focused on yourself, it might be difficult for you to know how to practice it. Did you know that…
We may get so accustomed to the presence of stress, anxiety, and self-doubt that some subtle, yet telling, changes in our thought patterns and daily routines may go…
Who do you have the longest, actually a lifelong, relationship with? Yourself! This Valentine’s Day, we would like you to be your own valentine and take care of yourself…
As part of efforts to promote discussions around mental health in academia, Editage Insights will host a free online talk by motivational speaker Prasha Sarwate Dutra.
If your personal and professional goals are not in sync, it can lead to a sense of discontent. Left unaddressed, these feelings can become the cause of mental and…