
Industry Trends

As a busy researcher, if you’ve missed important updates from the scholarly publishing industry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the top 5 industry updates for this week.
Week 19: What’s happening around the scholarly publishing industry
Twenty-seven years ago, German researchers discovered the fossil of a 120-million-year-old dinosaur in northern Brazil. In December 2020, a group of scientists confirmed…
Why is #UbirajaraBelongstoBR still trending on Twitter?
Being a busy researcher, if you’ve missed important updates from the academic publishing industry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the top 5 industry updates for this…
A survey report published by University and College Union (UCU) this month revealed the poor working conditions and the dipping employee-satisfaction level in one of UK…
In early 2020, Nature announced an opportunity for authors to publish their peer-review exchanges with reviewers as an attempt to bring transparency to the peer review…
An analysis of more than 37,000 articles reveals that authors from low-income countries opt to publish in paywalled journals over open access journals. Rafael Zenni,…
The UK government is increasing domestic public investment by at least 40% across the North, Midlands, South West, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland as a part of…
Indonesia is a world leader in the number of free-to-read published research journals. Know what this means for the research ecosystem in Indonesia.
Predatory author services are the newest avatar of predatory publishers, but with the same malicious intent: to deceive new, inexperienced researchers. With the backing…
An in-depth look at how preprints are helping accelerate research around COVID-19, including challenges and measures to overcome them