
Common Errors

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Scientific writing requires the use of many symbols. It is important to understand the standard style conventions associated with using symbols to avoid misinterpretation and convey the intended…


Mistakes in representing numbers and units of measurement can leave scope for misinterpretation of your data. This article will help you understand the common mistakes in scientific representation…

Inaccurate usage of scientific and technical terms can give out the impression that you do not have in-depth knowledge of the subject.  Naturally, peer reviewers are less tolerant of basic errors…


Abbreviations are commonly used in research manuscripts as they can help make highly complex technical writing more concise and easier to read. However, they can also cause a lot of confusion, and…

Although statistics is one of the primary tools of biomedical research, its misuse and abuse, whether intentional…

Barbara Gastel (BA, MD, MPH), coordinates the master's degree program in science and technology journalism at Texas A&M University. She has written three books on communicating and teaching…