Q: How can I find out the impact factor of my target journal?

Detailed Question -

Can you tell me the impact factor for this journal: ISSN: 2157-7633?

2 Answers to this question

The ISSN:2157-7633 mentioned by you belongs to a journal called “Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy.” This journal does not have an impact factor, and is published by the OMICS group which is suspected to be a predatory publisher.

For indexed journals (SCI/SCIE/SSCI) with impact factors, please refer to the various lists found on http://mjl.clarivate.com/. Please go to the relevant website of the journals found on these databases and you will find their impact factors.

The journal mentioned by you is not listed under any of the databases in the Clarivate Analytics. It is not even listed under SCImago and hence, does not have a SCImago ranking as well.

Please read the following links to understand how to find the impact factors of various journals and how to identify predatory journals:


There are two ways to identify a journal’s impact factor;

  1. Visit the Target journal’s website and check their “About page”, some journals will update the impact factor score and CiteScore on this page. However, beware of predatory journals as they update fake scores.

  2. The second option would be to visit https://www.scimagojr.com/ and check for the journal’s impact factor and Sci value. 

Note: You can follow the same technique to check for the impact factor of ISSN: 2157-7633

Learn more about impact factors and predatory journals;
