Infographics & Downloadables

Career Advancement

Often, PhDs and postdocs are confused about choosing the right career after their research and most often they do not know that there are several options available to…
Reviewing scientific literature can help you develop your writing and communication skills. Moreover, you will be able to keep up with and contribute to the developments…
To help you make meaningful changes to your academic career in the New Year, we've come up with 6 simple but effective tips for you to explore this year. This…
Becoming a peer reviwer is a job of great resposibility and one must look at a couple of things before conduting the review. Go through this checklist to make sure you…
Often PhD graduates find it difficult to deal with the challenges of a postdoctoral position because they are unprepared to face them. To keep you motivated, we have…
As you brace yourselves to face a new spate of challenges in academic writing and publication in the coming year, we want to support you in your journey with some handy…