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Stories of Success

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Like every graduating PhD student, even I had a dream of going abroad for my postdoctoral research. This is my story about how this dream got…

We decided to present the case in the grand round. In grand rounds, rare cases and cases that are difficult to diagnose are discussed by the trainees in presence of…

I was back to the initial situation; none of my advisors believed in me. But I learnt that you need only one person to believe in what you do and that person is you. Eventually, luck comes to…

The secret to a happy life is exploring something you love more than yourself and committing to it. In my journey of exploration of that “something,” I opened myself up to a plethora of…

When I received my first peer review invitation, I could not believe it was real. I always thought that only experienced academics received such invitations. Although very excited and even…

About six years ago, when I became a university lecturer in Nigeria, I was suddenly faced with a difficult situation. I was forced to “publish or perish” in international journals. It was at this…

I always had a hard time saying NO. Every time I did, it felt like a missed opportunity. I wish I had infinite time and say yes to all the cool opportunities I get. But…

It’s now three days after my viva and I’ve almost managed to mentally process the outcome. I passed, with no corrections! Here, I'd like to share how I spent the hours leading up to the viva and…

I have never done things small. Today, on the brink of turning 32, I am about to have my first baby. And also, today I finally got full IRB approval for my dissertation…

The year 2017 was always going to be a pretty stressful year for me. It symbolised the culmination of four years of hard work, continuous mental angst with the imposter…