Q: What is a concept paper?

Detailed Question -

I am a Masters student and for our final output for the Methods of Research subject, we are to submit a concept paper.

2 Answers to this question

An academic concept paper is a brief summary of a research project written by a university student who is about to conduct a certain research. It outlines the project in around 2-3 pages and its purpose is to give the department an idea of what the research is about, why the research is important, and how it will be carried out.  

Typically, a concept paper contains the following elements:

1. A title which is usually in the form of a question. 

2. A brief overview of the research topic, including a summary of what is already known about that topic.

3. A brief statement of the research question that the project will seek to answer. This is usally done in one or two senetences.

4. An explanation of why this research question is important and why this project is worth writing.

5. A description of how the methods that the researcher plans to use to answer the research question. 

Related reading: 


A concept paper is a brief or an excerpt of your research paper that depicts your study's key features and explains the research project.

The main purpose of writing a concept paper is to convince your supervisor that the proposed research project is worth doing. 

How long should the concept paper be?

To write an effective concept paper, one should be good at academic research writing. Ideally, a concept paper should be 2 to 3 pages long and explain the "why" and "what" of the research project.  

You can also refer to this blog to avoid the most common research writing mistakes and enhance the effectiveness of your concept paper.